Sep 10, 2007


台灣圖博之友會,將於九月十日(星期一)晚上六點半,於市長官邸藝文沙龍,舉辦「圖博之夜」,邀請國際聲援西藏組織(International Campaign for Tibet)主席John Auckerly、國際人權無疆界組織(Human Rights Without Frontiers)主席Willy Fautre ,及奧林匹克觀察(OlympicWatch)組織觀察員Barbara Loebel等人與會,與台灣所有關心西藏的朋友一起交流,分享經驗,為2008年北京奧運準備。

圖博. what's that and I can't imaged it out when I received it. Here is the answer of it and I ask myself why they have this kind of wide and extreme thinking and logic,then how do I have it ?


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