Sep 5, 2007

I joined 寶島義工團 on Sept. 01 02

0845am on site, 1020am house steel frame done
volunteer without name working on top of new house frame.

半年前由朋友處知道有此一異類而特別的團體,並不時上網了解 and updated. Originally I planed to Join them on Aug. to 花蓮但因颱風而取消。九月一日二日排開其他事第一次報名參加,上午九點前一行四十餘人就到新竹尖石鄉哪邏村。

從1974,33年前第一次帶四十餘名熱心年輕人,翻山越嶺,身負要捐贈後山部落重物加兩星期 個人必需品,行走八小時到秀戀村(後山)。幾十年間對這些地方人文自認熟悉。

But this time, I got a lot of new touches again when you see those aboriginals are so helpless due alcoholic and lack of educations. I have so many questions of why they don't join us to build their own house, instead of sitting there smoking all day round. Ont he way home next day, I found the answer is I use my standards to check up with them, as some of them even give up the hope of life already.

More information of this charity group in this link
More details of this trip at this link

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